Blizzard Responds to OW 2 Steam Review Bombing

OW 2 has launched Invasion, a new expansion with PVE content along with a new character. It’s also been the day that the Steam OW 2 launch has gone ahead. It’s a move that’s making the free-to-play sequel accessible to a lot more players. However, it hasn’t gotten off to the best start. Players have already started massively review bombing the game. It’s gotten so bad that the game is now the worst reviewed title on Steam. Now, Blizzard has even responded to the review bombing.

The most recent expansion for Overwatch brings quite a bit of new content to Overwatch 2. There’s the normal new Season 6 hero, but also story missions and a new game mode. Even with a bit more content finally making its way down the pipeline though, a good portion of OW’s fan base isn’t happy with the title. The OW 2 Steam launch has been review bombed, with nearly 20,000 negative reviews already.

OW 2 Steam Launch Gets Review Bombed

Within hours of the OW 2 Steam launch, loads of players have already left reviews. In many cases, they’ve left overwhelmingly negative reviews. This is one way some fans feel they can express disappointment in the game, to at least let newer players know that it’s widely disliked. What’s motivating the review bombing though? Each has different reasons, but there are some common complaints.

One review reads “Overwatch 2 has no respect for you, it’s an attempt to pry open your wallet while masquerading as the game it used to be.”. Another is simply “they forgot to add content for 3 years”. Others draw attention to the bad practises of Blizzard and specifically past OW development teams’ personal conduct, and the game’s numerous broken promises on delivering content.

Another review lists 50 different games which you can get for the same price as an add-on in-game, to bring about the obvious negative comparisons to getting voice lines for that price.

The controversial OW 2 monetization has been a big source of complaints. There’s also the ditching of the PVE mode and the other content. That was all supposed to justify this being a full sequel. It’s still early days for the title on the platform, but so far, the OW 2 Steam launch has been rocky. It might take a while for the effects of the review bombing to fade. If it does at all.

Blizzard Responds to OW 2 Review Bombing

The review bombing at the OW 2 steam launch has gotten so bad that Blizzard has actually officially responded to the feedback. The game’s director has talked about some of the new content that has come to the game. They’ve also addressed the review bombing that’s happened alongside it.

Addressing these complaints, the director said “We also launched on Steam last week, and, although being review-bombed isn’t a fun experience, it’s been great to see lots of new players jump into Overwatch 2 for the first time.”. They continued “many of the reviews on Steam mention the cancellation of the much larger component of PvE that was announced in 2019 as one of their primary reasons for dissatisfaction with the game. I get that. That announcement was about an ambitious project that we ultimately couldn’t deliver… If we can’t turn back the clock, then what can we do? We can keep adding to and improving Overwatch 2.”

The overall post acknowledges a lot of the main complaints about the game. Although, they seem to focus almost entirely on cancelled content. Whereas a good number of the review bombs seem more concerned with monetization and price gouging.

That Blizzard is acknowledging this feedback shows that players’ frustrations are cutting through. Although, it doesn’t seem like Blizzard is going to be turning back on any of the changes which have caused so much controversy.


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Its not a review bomb if they played the game. It’s there hones opionion. 1 issue with a game can ruien the entire game.

If they post a review without playing the game then it is a review bomb.

Last edited 1 month ago by Josh