What is Doom Bots in LoL? LoL Esports September 4, 2023 Davide Xu

What is Doom Bots in LoL? LoL Esports September 4, 2023 Davide Xu

Ever heard of Doom Bots in LoL? Here is what you should know about one of the hardest game modes in the game.

doom bots lol teemo

Image Credits | Riot Games

Doom Bots of Doom – The Nightmare game mode in LoL

Unlike other game modes, Doom Bots was the first-ever featured game mode to use bots. These, however, were not traditional bots: each one received empowered abilities, making the game a lot more challenging and incredibly tough to win.

Three levels of Difficulties

In the game mode, Doom Bots of Doom were available in 3 different difficulty levels, and you had to win games in order to unlock the next level. The matches would get increasingly harder, as the bots would receive additional effects that made them even stronger:

  • 1° level – enemy champions had Doom mutations to their abilities.
  • 2° level – enemy champions receive Doom Mutations whenever they die. Fortunately at this level, Doom Mutations didn’t stack, with the exception of the Doom Bot’s personal mutation
  • 3° level –  they get all the doom mutations and they could cheat in almost every regard, aside from having full vision of the map.
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List of champions and doom mutations

  • His E would make everything near him sad too. His ultimate also had a higher hit range. (~1200 range)
Original Annie
  • Annie could set alight nearby enemy towers and burn everything. She also brought her bear Tibbers with a twist: it was a massive bear that could occupy half of your screen.
Definitely Not Blitzcrank
  • He could fire 3 Rocket Grabs in a cone, had a massive shield from his pasive and ultimate range, while also having a Power Fist (E) that knocked multiple targets in the air.
Gentleman Cho’Gath
  • As he gains stacks of his ultimate, his Q and W also grew larger in cast size.
Pulsefire Ezreal
  • Ezreal’s abilities could be fired multiple times at once in different directions.
Spectral Fiddlesticks
  • Fiddlesticks could drain multiple enemies at once and each of his abilities applied additional fearing effect.
Gatekeeper Galio
  • Galio could fire a halo of Resolute Smites in a circle and Righteous Gust forms multiple gusts, and he will periodically create taunt zones next to nearby enemy champions.
Grim Reaper Karthus
  • Karthus could go into passive mode while still alive (making him untargetable but still very mobile), and his abilities were bigger, had multiple casts, and lower cooldowns.

Imperial Lux

  • Each of Lux’s abilities explodes into a star of Light Bindings, and her ultimate could be cast into 12 different directions.
Overlord Malzahar
  • Malzahar’s abilities have fragmented, and he had more and bigger-sized voidlings on his side
Blade Mistress Morgana
  • Morgana’s Dark Binding was bigger in size and could be cast in different directions.
Superb Villain Veigar
  • Veigar calls down a ring of Dark Matter around himself periodically and his abilities fragment on minions, meaning that he could farm stacks a lot faster.
Volcanic Wukong
  • Wukong’s Nimbus Strike created additional clones that knocked enemies into the air when disappearing. His ultimate also summoned Decoys that spin alongside him.
Mad Scientist Ziggs
  • Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb was fragmented when they exploded and his Qs could chase after enemy champions. His minefield also had a much shorter cooldown.

Haunted Zyra

  • Zyra’s Rampant Growth periodically spawns clusters of seeds near enemy champions, which bloomed with a delay. She was also able to spawn more plants than the usual number.
Read more: Riot Games is bringing new intro bots to LoL

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