LoL Clash Key Dates and rules for the 2022 Season LoL Esports February 24, 2022 Davide Xu

LoL Clash Key Dates and rules for the 2022 Season LoL Esports February 24, 2022 Davide Xu

LoL Clash Key Dates and rules for the 2022 Season

Riot Games has officially announced the key dates for League of Legends’ Clash in 2022. Make sure to check out the full schedule in order to participate and earn those special rewards.

Clash is an in-client tournament created by Riot in order for players to experience the joy of playing in a competitive environment with members of their choice.


Credits: Riot Games

How does LoL Clash work?

The Clash tournaments take place during the weekend, on Saturday and Sunday. Throughout the week, you will have the time to gather your teammates and register for Clash. Do not forget the check-in period before the start of the tournament to confirm your participation, as all players must make the lock-in.

Participants also need to fulfill the following conditions:

  • The account needs to be at least level 30
  • All placement matches for the ranked queue in Summoner’s Rift must be completed.
  • The League account needs to be verified with a phone number

Each player also must use a Clash Ticket to play the tournament. You can earn those by completing missions, getting them from your teammates or from the shop. The shop also offers premium tickets, which unlock better rewards.

In Clash, you can play up to three matches per tournament. The system will try to put you against opponents of similar skills. Teams are divided into Tiers, from I to IV, and they are based on the players’ soloQ rank and overall Clash results. Even if you lose your match, you can still compete against the other losing teams in the bracket for consolation prizes. Between matches, you will have some time to analyze your enemies and see their masteries on certain champions and their recent match history.

To prevent teams from waiting for their opponents for too long, Clash has a timelimit. Once a game goes past 60 minutes turrets get weaker, 5 minutes later buildings will continuously lose HP and at 70 minutes the game will end.

Clash Schedule for 2022

For 2022 Riot has already announced 40 days of Clash. These dates are separated into two weeks with two playdays each. There will be ten cups in 2022, which offer trophies and loot.

Cup Cup Week Lock-In Matchdays
Ionia Cup Week 1
Week 2
14 February
28 February
19 – 20 February
5 – 6 March
Freljord Cup Week 1
Week 2
14 March
28 March
19 – 20 March
2 – 3 April
Piltover Cup Week 1
Week 2
11 April
25 April
16 – 17 April
30 April – 1 May
TBA Week 1
Week 2
9 May
16 May
14 – 15 May
21 – 22 May
Demacia Cup Week 1
Week 2
6 June
20 June
11 – 12 June
25 – 26 June
Shadow Isles Cup Week 1
Week 2
4 July
18 July
9 – 10 July
23 – 24 July
Zaun Cup Week 1
Week 2
1 August
15 August
6 – 7 August
20 – 21 August
Noxus Cup Week 1
Week 2
29 August
12 September
3 – 4 September
17 – 18 September
TBA Week 1
Week 2
26 September
10 October
1 – 2 October
15 – 16 October
TBA Week 1
Week 2
14 November
28 November
19 – 20 November
3 – 4 December

Clash Rewards and Victory Points for 2022

During Clash cups, you will earn Victory points based on your results. The more points you earn, the better the banners will be when you play on Summoners’ Rift. Victory Points scale with your skill class and the number of tickets spent. They will accumulate over two Clash weekends before disappearing, so make sure to spend them in time. Since each Clash cup has a different name, you will also be able to distinguish the banners you earned.

Upon finishing a Clash tournament, every participant will receive some orbs or capsules based on their results. The winners will not only receive skin shards, emotes and other in-game content, but they will also receive a Champie Icon of some champion. Most of them are really cool to see and they are perfect for players’ in-client profile pictures. First place will also be awarded a trophy that will be exhibited on the Nexus for two weeks. So make sure to perform well for better rewards.