Best supports to play with Zeri in LoL LoL Esports July 11, 2023 Davide Xu

Best supports to play with Zeri in LoL LoL Esports July 11, 2023 Davide Xu

If you’re wondering which supports are strongest with Zeri, here are the five best champions you should be playing with her this season.

best zeri supports

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The best supports to play with Zeri in LoL

Zeri is one of the newest entries in League of Legends. Ever since her release, she was considered an overpowered champion, to the point where Riot had to nerf and tweak her far too many times in the span of a year.

In season 13, she seems to have found a more balanced state, with clear strengths and weaknesses. In particular, she’s highly reliant on specific support champions to unlock greater potential and make the “one plus one is greater than two” work.

If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with her, we have compiled a full list of champions that are 100% guaranteed to work with Zeri. We will be also looking at the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos, so you know exactly what to expect.

Yuumi – the no. 1 support for Zeri

If you watch lots of professional League, you probably know that Zeri and Yuumi are a formidable duo. There are specific reasons why the two are so strong together, even after Yuumi received her rework in Patch 13.5.

First, Yuumi boosts Zeri in every single way, giving her great peeling ability as well as all the tools to make sure she can use her DPS around the fights. The magical cat provides good crowd control and can run around with Zeri untargeted while also granting her extra stats.

zeri yuumi

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If they are engaged on, Yuumi just needs to boost Zeri’s movement speed and enjoy the kiting show, destroying the enemy team. On top of that, Yuumi is one of the few champions that can run two summoners spells like Exhaust and Ignite since she doesn’t need Flash.

Zeri and Yuumi, however, have a great common weakness: their early game. Forget about getting any lane priority or early objective control because this bot lane is one of the weakest pairings, especially when it comes to dealing damage. If you want to win, just chill and wait for Zeri to scale later on.

Lulu – The alternative to Yuumi

Given League players’ love-or-hate relationship with Yuumi, there are high chances that the support is banned, forcing you to play other champions with Zeri. For this reason, we recommend going with Lulu, the best alternative to Yuumi.

Just like most enchanters, Lulu has a shield that she can spam on Zeri, allowing her to tank incoming damage. On top of that, Lulu also has the choice to either boost Zeri’s movement speed or polymorph an enemy with her W.

In case these two abilities aren’t enough, she can also cast her ultimate on Zeri, granting her more health and size, and knocking up nearby enemies. Overall, Lulu has lots of tools to protect her AD carry. Regardless of what she does with her abilities, Lulu enables Zeri by giving her more room for kiting and essentially making her take over the games.

Read also: Best supports with Ezreal in League

Soraka – Giving Zeri a second life

Soraka is one of the few champions that provide one of, if not, the greatest amounts of healing for a team in the game. Having her alongside Zeri will make sure the latter can survive the laning phase more easily and then take over once scaled. Even if the enemies try to shut Zeri down, Soraka is going to be there ready to save her from the realm of death. 

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Zeri is at her weakest during the first minutes of the game due to the low damage and range she has. Without the ability to kite the enemies at a fast speed, she can be easily punished both by ganking or bullying her out of the lane. Soraka’s appearance should make the latter less likely to happen since she is going to heal up most of the damage taken. By doing so, Zeri won’t fall behind as much and will be able to get most of the minion gold and experience.

In the late-game fights, instead, Soraka will make Zeri unkillable: unless the enemies hit multiple crowd controls and burst her, Soraka has both the heal on W and ultimate ready. It’s not a great laning combo, but it’s a good bot lane duo.

Janna – Peeling and disengage tools

In a similar fashion, Janna does what Soraka does but with some minor differences. While the former doesn’t have as much healing, she is able to provide more crowd controls and disengaging abilities to stop enemy aggression.

Thanks to the knock up on her tornado (Q) and the knockback from her ultimate, Janna can draw a distance between Zeri and the enemies, allowing her to kite more easily and stack up some extra movement speed to make her untouchable.

While Janna doesn’t have heals on her basic abilities, a strong player can deny most of the enemies’ engage with good positioning. Try her out and you’ll see how annoying this combo is to play against.

Read more: LoL Free champion rotation of the week

Rakan – One of the best all-in supports for Zeri

To round off the list, we have Rakan, who is the balanced version between an engager and an enchanter. His particular kit offers a mix of tools that come from both types of champions: he has some healing and shielding, but also good gap closers to start fights.


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Having said that, Rakan’s main “nature” as a support is still a protective one, and with Zeri, he should be treated as such. Don’t bother looking for flashy engages (unless necessary). Instead, look to use your crowd controls (namely E and ultimate) to stop any potential enemy threat that tries to kill Zeri. If you’re able to do that consistently, Zeri will be able to get into a great position and win the teamfights alone.

Make sure to not get punished early on since Rakan doesn’t have the same shields as other enchanters: if the enemies get too fed, the game will become unplayable for both of you.

Read also: Best supports to play with Xayah in League

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