Fortnite’s biggest event and update to date probably came at the end of Fortnite Chapter 1, when the game began its second part. While seasonal updates come and go, Chapter 2 marked a massive change in how Fortnite played alongside its branding and even esports. Fortnite is currently wrapping up its 8th season of the second chapter.

While we haven’t quite hit ten seasons yet, it looks like Fortnite Chapter 3 release date is closer than thought. looks Aside from the narrowing timeline, there have been quite a few leaks and hints towards major changes coming to Epic’s flagship title.

This is what you need to know and what you can expect from the Chapter 3 release, both for the game and esports:

When Will Fortnite Chapter 3 Launch?

The length of Fortnite seasons and chapters can vary quite a. bit, but looking at past timing we can get a good sense for the Fortnite Chapter 3 release 3 date. It was the end of Season X when the original Fortnite jumped to Chapter 2, with a black hole event. However, a recent leak suggests it might actually be starting earlier.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 is scheduled to end with a live event on December 5th. This event would normally transition from Season 8 to Season 9, but a leaker with a solid history in Fortnite thinks differently. The Fortnite Chapter 3 start date according to him would be December 6th or 7th, depending on how long the downtime is between seasons.

This would make Fortnite Chapter 2 only 8 seasons long, rather than the 10 that the original section got. However, Chapter 1 Season 1 and 2 were really more of an early stage for the game than full seasons as we know them today.  While Chapter 1 had more seasons, it did only last for 761 days. This cut off point would make Chapter 2 777 days long, since it has had lengthier seasons. Well, one longer seasons in general along with a couple that felt like they would never end.

As this is coming from a leaker, it should be taken with a grain of salt. However, it seems like even Epic are teasing December being the end of Chapter 2:

What to Expect in Fortnite Chapter 3

Fortnite seasons can make pretty big changes to the game’s loot pool, world, balance, and even the gameplay mechanics. However, the biggest change to date was the chapter crossover. What exactly can we expect with the Fortnite chapter 3 release date? These are some of the main things that are rumoured or expected:

  • Stylistic and Art Changes – Chapter 2 was quite a leap forward for Fortnite’s art style, we can probably expect further revisions.
  • Design Changes – Items and default skins will probably receive another overhaul with the new season.
  • Simplification of Bloated Mechanics– Season change is the perfect time to cut the fat, mechanics that are holdover from previously themed seasons that aren’t useful anymore will probably be going. Not to blame any single season for the weird holdover mechanics still in the game, but ‘Primal’ may have worn out its welcome.
  • POIs – Big POI changes are going to be a must for the season change.
  • Loot Pool – Major loot pool changes will be coming; this will likely consolidate what’s currently around.
  • Flying Animals – This is one thing that’s been heavily rumoured and talked about by those in the Fortnite community. Animals that can be flown have been rumoured for quite a bit.

Those are some of the changes we can probably expect at the Fortnite chapter 3 release date. Although, one major change is worth delving into with more depth:

Fortnite Chapter 3 Map

The map Is probably the single biggest and most important change coming with the new season. That’s unless you only play Fortnite to watch for the Default’s fashion choices. Fortnite is rare amongst Battle Royales in how it treats its map. Unlike Warzone, Apex, and PUBG, there’s no multiple maps going on here. Fortnite has one map at a time. No matter how much the community wanted to revisit Chapter 1, Epic have kept it locked in their vault. We can definitely expect a fresh one for Chapter 3. This new map will probably be a different shape, layout and with different POIs.

Rumours at the moment point part toward a large landmass with smaller themed islands around it. This is an interesting design, and has been mocked up as this based on the rumours:

We can expect to see brand new POIs on the new map alongside reimaginings of old ones. It might even herald the return of Tilted or Salty.

Fortnite Chapter 3 Competitive & Esports

The big changes to how Fortnite works are great fun for players and fans. However, seasonal changes could mean big things for esports too. Chapter 1 of Fortnite for esports was very much a testing ground. Even into its final seasons and the Fortnite World Cup, it seemed like Epic were still just throwing money at Fortnite and trying to figure out a format that worked. In Chapter 2, they found one.

This chapter has largely been defined by the FNCS. Partially down to the impact of Coronavirus, and partially to Epic’s way of doing things. Recently there have been a few events organized by partners with a more over-arching prize. Coming at the end of a Chapter, the Grand Royale now makes a lot of sense. With this ending, what can we expect from esports at the Fortnite Chapter 3 release date?

Epic aren’t likely to be throwing the FNCS format away any time soon, or the Cash Cups. This system allows players, both pro and aspiring, to play a truly open esports event. There is a low barrier to entry and we get the widest field possible. This has meant for some tense and exciting finals, but also a system that encourages new players to come into the game. However, there are some big things missing which Chapter 3 could deliver on:

Different Formats to Trios & Return to In-Person Events

For the high-level tournaments, Epic has been focusing almost exclusively on Trios. This is for good reason. However, it would be great to see the return of more flexible formats in higher ranked tournaments. At the least, Solo games are still hugely entertaining. The Fortnite World Cup’s Solo event ended up being one of the most important aspects. A FNCS Solo tournament has ran from time to time, more of these different formats would go a long way in Chapter 3.

The Fortnite World Cup hasn’t yet been topped in the game for stakes. Is Epic planning to bring this back after the Fortnite chapter 3 release date? They are definitely not planning anything until at least the second half of 2022. While this doesn’t rule anything out, we probably won’t see an event on that scale in 2022, but something like the Grand Royale in person could be a possibility. 2023 looks likely to be the return date for the World Cup, fans will have to wait a while to see that.