League players facing mysterious permanent bans in likely bug

League players facing mysterious permanent bans in likely bug

  • League of Legends

League players facing mysterious permanent bans in likely bug

This may be the result of an error on Riot’s side.

Many League of Legends players hoping to play the game this weekend were greeted today with a message indicating they had committed the worst offenses in the game, thus terminating their accounts completely.

A large number of League players are reporting that, upon logging into the game, they receive a message that indicates their accounts have been “permanently suspended.” There appears to be no pinpoint reason as to why these suspensions have been issued en masse, and many players are saying they have not committed any acts that would result in this punishment.

Some players are finding success in logging out and back into the game repeatedly, while others are continuing to face the glaring message each time they log in.

Normally, permanent suspensions can’t be resolved when issued by Riot Games, so it seems this mass wave of punishments may be the result of an error on Riot’s side. However, permanent suspensions are rarely issued to accounts immediately. Players often face several warnings that restrict their play for set periods of time before receiving a permanent ban.

Riot has not yet released a statement in regards to this issue at the time of writing, though it seems to be plaguing a large portion of the playerbase and preventing them from successfully logging into the game. Players may get help by reaching out to League support. However, the support team will likely be inundated with inquiries regarding these permanent suspensions, most of which seem to be given by mistake.

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