Hold your breaths, the Dota Pro Circuit 2021-22 (DPC2021-22) Southeast Asia hasn’t concluded just yet. It’s a smorgasbord of tiebreakers happening in both Division 1 and 2 brackets. That said, it pains us to inform that the Thai prodigies at Motivate.Trust Gaming are bidding goodbyes from Division 1 bracket next Tour.

Neon Esports, Execration and Motivate.Trust Gaming

It was a heart-wrenching three-way tiebreaker for the fifth-seventh place at the Division 1 DPC2021-22 SEA yesterday. The verdict eventually came down to MG.Trust holding the short end of the stick, or in DPC terms, elimination.

More specifically, MG.Trust will have no shot at qualifying for the Tour 2 Major because they will play in Division 2. The best outcome would be to secure a top-two seeding in Division 2 next Tour before attempting to qualify for the third and final Major in Tour 3. As such, the chances for MG.Trust to earn that The International 11 invite is very slim.

Anyways, MG.Trust has only themselves to blame after their upsets to both Execration and Neon Esports. It seems like MG.Trust had the wrong idea on how to play the tiebreaker, where they opted for a conservative late-game draft. The tiebreaker was intended to be a fast-paced best-of-one, so Neon and Execration played aggressively.

They picked drafts that are absurdly sustainable in the midgame, enabling them to overwhelm MG.Trust with ease. MG.Trust’s Phantom Assassin never really took off in their match versus Neon. Whereas MG.Trust might have plausibly messed up their drafts versus Execration due to how poor the execution was.

Now then, not necessarily a high-stake tiebreaker, but one that we will certainly enjoy. Another three-way between the golden boys, T1 versus challengers, Team SMG and Fnatic.

Team SMG vs Fnatic

Team SMG and Fnatic will kick off the first tiebreaker round, which we frankly side Team SMG on this. In fact, Team SMG defeated Fnatic once before, so it’s payback for Fnatic if they intend on settling the score.

For starters, what sets SMG apart is their innovative drafts, which also improves their versatility. The WOW factor plays a role in the drafting mind game, affecting many opponents to counter-pick poorly. Yet, such moves can be naïve at times, especially against seasoned teams, namely BOOM Esports and T1.

As for Fnatic, who witnessed first-hand SMG’s tactics, it’s up to Djardel Jicko B. “DJ” Mampusti to outsmart SMG. The Dota 2 odds do favor Fnatic at x1.75 versus Team SMG at x2.03 returns.

Fnatic vs T1

During Fnatic’s last encounter with T1, they were fortunate to snatch the series as it was a hard-fought battle. However, T1’s not a powerhouse that would lose twice to the same opponent, and their pride is on the line as the best performing SEA team in TI10.

However, it is a best-of-one match, so Fnatic could pull off a cheese pick if they desperately want the win. A last-pick Huskar, Templar Assassin, or Meepo wouldn’t be out of the question if Fnatic intends on nailing this one-off fight.

T1 vs Team SMG

Lastly, T1 will have to face SMG once more, which isn’t the toughest opponent they faced in DPC SEA. Yet, to be one match away from losing as much as seventy percent of DPC points will certainly pressure T1.

Nevertheless, T1 is still dominant on paper, from the way they smoothly execute smoke ganks to their consistent performance in lanes. SMG will certainly need a cheese pick to outsmart T1 to win the match. Unorthodox picks aren’t rare for SMG, but these folks don’t particularly pull Huskar, Broodmother, or other infamous cheese picks.

T1 should be able to claim the match without much resistance.

Nigma Galaxy SEA vs Ragdoll

Over at the Division 2 bracket, Nigma Galaxy and Ragdoll are fighting for Division 1 promotion. It will be a best-of-three series, which is assuring. Frankly, we are pretty torn on this one.

Both rivals have been neck-to-neck in terms of performance even though Nigma Galaxy had the last laugh during their last encounter. It was a sweep which, upon deeper analysis, were comeback matches that lasted approximately an hour.

Ragdoll does have the right idea to opt for physical damage carries for late-game while having that threatening initiation on Lai “AhJit” Jay Son, the mid-player. However, Cheng “vtFαded” Jia Hao on the hard carry role felt unimpactful despite having decent net worth. In hindsight, props to Nigma for understanding the key objective versus Ragdoll, that is to disable them before they could react.

Will Ragdoll finally learn from their past encounter and derive an alternative? Well, we will have to mark our calendars for this match.

If you have a knack for Dota 2 betting on these final matches of DPC SEA, be sure to check the exclusive odds on GG.BET