My peers often ask me how does it feel to be a fan of a hero with a cripplingly low win rate and popularity that falls within the bottom quartile of all Dota 2 heroes. Well, to that, I say when you are a wholehearted Dota 2 Phoenix enjoyer, it truly doesn’t matter.

On the plus side, its low win and pick rate means we can spam it every game without the concerns of it getting banned.

@ Valve

From a Dota 2 Phoenix fan’s perspective, the fiery bird is a strong support hero that has its strengths with a versatile skillset:

  • It has a mobility skill, the Icarus Dive, which you can initiate or escape from a fight and slow down.
  • It can be a menace to the enemy carry in laning phase by slowing their attack speed using its Fire Spirits ability, which disrupts their last hit timing.
  • It can heal multiple allies and damage multiple enemies from afar, using its Sun Ray ability.
  • And its ultimate, Supernova, can damage enemies, stun them, refresh its first 3 abilities and bring itself to maximum mana and HP by using its ultimate (Supernova). With an Aghanim’s Scepter, it can also take an ally with it in this process and grant him the refreshed skills benefits. Albeit, it’s a double-edged sword as your ally dies alongside you if your egg gets destroyed before the reborn.

The benefits listed above make Phoenix seem like an excellent choice for lane support, roaming or even playing as a position 3 offlaner. However, Phoenix players have to juggle between managing their own health since every skill uses a percentage of your health. Use it wisely with correct positioning, and Phoenix could use its skills at a lower expense of its health, optimally when its health is low.

Phoenix Item build

Starting Items

  • Healing Salve
  • Tango
  • Iron Branch
  • Enchanted Mango
  • Wards

Early Game Items

  • Urn of Shadows
  • Tranquil Boots
  • Magic Wand

Mid Game Items

  • Spirit Vessel
  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity
  • Aghanim’s Shard

Late Game Items

  • Shiva’s Guard

Situational Items

  • Aghanim’s Scepter
  • Veil of Discord
  • Heaven’s Halberd
  • Glimmer Cape

Phoenix Skill Build

    1. Unstable Concoction
    2. Acid Spray
    3. Acid Spray
    4. Unstable Concoction
    5. Acid Spray
    6. Chemical Rage
    7. Acid Spray
    8. Unstable Concoction
    9. Corrosive Weaponry
    10. Level 10 Talent: +125 Unstable Concoction Radius
    11. Unstable Concoction
    12. Corrosive Weaponry
    13. Chemical Rage
    14. Corrosive Weaponry
    15. Level 15 Talent: +2 Damage per Greevil’s Greed stack
    16. Corrosive Weaponry
    17. Chemical Rage
    18. Level 20 Talent: +400 Unstable Concoction Damage
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Phoenix Abilities Explained

Icarus Dive

This ability costs 15% of your current health and is an excellent tool for engaging and disengaging enemy heroes. It also slows affected opponents up to 25% for 4 seconds, and deals a total of 60/140/220/300 magical damage over this duration. The dive is not obstructed by units, objects and terrain, but can be stopped at any given point by pressing the associated key (Q) again or if a stun lands on Phoenix.

Fire Spirits

This ability costs 20% of your current health and summons 4 spirits that can be used over the next 20 seconds by pressing the associated key (W) again and targeting them at the ground or at enemy units (by pressing left click). An enemy hit by a Fire Spirit will have his attack speed slowed for 4 seconds by -80/100/120/140 and will take a total of 80/160/240/320 magical damage over this duration. The spirits can also be used to stack multiple neutral camps at the same time during the 52-second mark.

Sun Ray

This ability costs 6% of your current health per second, can be channeled for up to 6 seconds, and can heal allies at a rate of 16 + 2% of their maximum HP per second (at level 4). It can also damage enemies at 14 + 6% of their maximum health as magical damage (at level 4). Once Sun Ray is activated, the hero stands still and channels the ray, which can be controlled and directed with right-clicks. Moreover, the hero can also move in a straight line in the direction of the ray by pressing the D key. This movement is not obstructed by units, objects and terrain. Pressing D again will stop this movement. Pressing the ability’s associated key (E) for a second time will stop the channeling.

One advanced play that advanced Phoenix players can do is to use Sun Ray to pass through locations unobstructed while teleporting away. Your enemy typically won’t have a way to reach you through the cliffs or terrains, but be wary of enemy heroes with a reliable stun.


This ability constitutes Phoenix’s ultimate and it allows the hero to refresh its first 3 abilities, alongside full health and mana. Phoenix turns into an egg for the 6 seconds duration of the ultimate while also damages enemies in a 1000 radius, dealing 60/90/120 magical damage per second. Upon rebirth (if the egg survives), enemies are stunned for 1/2/2 seconds. The egg can be destroyed by 6/8/10 attacks. The hero also has a level 25 talent and Aghanim’s Scepter item pick-up that can further increase the number of required attacks. For the 6 seconds duration of the Egg, Phoenix cannot use any skills unless he has an Aghanim’s Shard, which will enable to use of Sun Ray. In order to maximize the Sun’s chance of survival, you should try to hit enemy heroes with Fire Spirits right before using your ultimate, and also position yourself so that you aren’t easily surrounded and attacked by multiple enemy heroes. Having allies that can disable multiple heroes, such as Faceless Void’s Chronosphere or Earthshaker’s Echo Slam can make a good combo.


@ Valve

Best Phoenix Talents

Phoenix’s talents can improve the hero’s ultimate ability, survivability, and spell amplification.

  • +6% Spell Amplification or +25% Icarus Dive Slow – Having spell amplification across every skill Phoenix uses provides better value than a mere slow.
  • +20 Fire Spirits damage per second or +500 Health – The bonus Fire Spirit damage is a no brainer here because having an extra 500 health just means your skills take up a larger health amount since it’s percentage-based usage. Moreover, the Fire Spirits damage gets amplified by the earlier spell amp talent anyways.
  • +0.4s Supernova Stun Duration or +1.5% Max Health Sun Ray Damage – The second option is generally more useful in fights, especially in the late game where you often won’t get your Supernova off. If your Supernova doesn’t lands, the 0.4s bonus stun duration won’t have much impact either.
  • +3 Supernova Hit Count or +1000 Icarus Dive Cast Range – Once again, having extra hit count required for Supernova in late game won’t really matter much when the opponents likely have BKB and higher attack speeds. The further Icarus Dive range can offer much more mobility. It’s not the greatest Level 25 talent out there, but it’s still certainly better than extra Supernova hits.

What Items to build on Phoenix

Phoenix has very little requirements in terms of items in order to have a significant impact on the game. The staples are merely Tranquil Boots, Urn of Shadows and Magic Wand. Followed by upgrading into a Spirit Vessel, Eul’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard. If the game calls for a faster Shiva’s Guard, you can even skip out on Eu’s Scepter and Aghanim’s Shard to rush your late game item.

Starting Items

  • Healing Salve
  • Tango
  • Iron Branch
  • Enchanted Mango
  • Wards

These are the usual consumables that Phoenix should get, mostly for healing. The Healing Salve, however, is for your carry, in case he needs it. For yourself, using a Tango on a planted tree (using Iron Branch) provides amplified health regen.

Early Game Items

  • Urn of Shadows is the completed item to get, but you can pick up an early Sage’s Mask, which is its component. It offers mana regen to make up for the lack of Clarity Potions.
  • Tranquil Boots offers the best healing outside the Fountain, which is crucial for Phoenix, who consistently depletes its health pool.
  • Magic Wand can best be purchased if the enemy team has many frequent skill spammers and if you haven’t used up all your Iron Branches.

Mid Game Items

  • Spirit Vessel is an upgraded version of Urn of Shadows, which also offers decent stats on top of its active ability. The ability stores stacks after each nearby enemy death, which can be used to heal or damage an enemy hero.
  • Eul’s Scepter of Divinity can lift Phoenix or an enemy hero in a tornado, making them invulnerable. Besides its intelligence stats and mana regen, it’s useful to target an enemy hero with high attack speed right before you use your Supernova. The wasted time spent on tornado by the enemy hero, could potentially ensure your Supernova lands successfully.
  • Aghanim’s Shard is a cheap add-on to Phoenix’s Sun Ray capability by enabling its use during Supernova.

Late Game Items

  • Shiva’s Guard is a great item due to its bonus armor, but also its AOE attack speed reduction. As it suggests, the attack speed reduction of affected enemy heroes could make destroying the Egg tougher, even in late game scenarios.

Situational Items

  • Aghanim’s Scepter comes in handy if the enemy team do not have the capabilities to destroy your Egg easily. It serves to be a lifesaver when your ally is in low health and cannot escape the fight.
  • Veil of Discord amplifies magic damage received by affected enemy units.
  • Heaven’s Halberd is an item that lets you disarm a hero, preferably an enemy hero with high attack speed.
  • Glimmer Cape is a support item to turn you or your ally invisible. It also has the added benefit of magic resistance if the enemy line-up has heavy magic damage output.
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When to pick the hero

The hero is weak against line-ups that have multiple heroes with instant disables, fast attack speed, high magic resistance or great mobility. Clinkz, Ursa, Troll Warlord, Huskar, Legion Commander, Lifestealer, Beastmaster and Lina. Silences can also turn Phoenix obsolete, such as Skywrath Mage, Silencer, Storm Spirit, but can be countered if you pick up Eul’s Scepter.

Otherwise, Phoenix typically performs well in teams that have good slows and lockdowns, and against line-ups that contain several melee heroes with poor attack speed and mobility.


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