Can Dendi bring B8 to the International 12?

Dendi today is merely a husk of his former glory. The first International Champion was Natus Vincere’s golden boy at TI1, who immortalized himself and the team during his prime.

Ever since, its been a slow and steady decline with the legend unable to find a stable roster to compete with. His latest project B8, is simply not performing well and fans are starting to point fingers at Dendi himself.

Dendi and B8

B8 was founded by Dendi in 2020, highlighting the veteran’s return to competitive play since he left Navi. While the initial hype was exciting for Dendi fans, B8 was infested with problems. Notably, this team can’t seem to settle with a stable 5-man roster long enough for an entire season. For the record, B8 has had more than 25 unique players in a mere four-year duration since it was founded.

And the results after every roster shuffle just rub salt in the wound as B8 even became infamously known for having the longest losing streak in competitive games.

While B8 is normally a Division 2 team at best, their recent regional movement to North America from Eastern Europe has enabled them to be in the Division 1 bracket. Even then, it wasn’t for long, as B8 will be demoted to Division 2 in the next Dota Pro Circuit 2024 for placing bottom two seeds.

Funn1k comments on Dendi

Glib “Funn1k” Lipatnikov is one of the oldest and newest teammate Dendi has ever played alongside.

Fans were divided when Funn1k went on an unhinged rant about how ‘low-skill’ Dendi is during his stream. According to Funn1k, Dendi doesn’t seem to want his advice on improving his psychological state and in-game mechanics. Funn1k had shared methods on how Dendi can improve, but instead of working on himself, he did other things. Funn1k ended the rant by saying he watched Dendi do irrelevant things for half a year without any progress. As such, he couldn’t stay in the team any longer and exited B8.

Alongside the rant on Dendi, Funn1k also mentioned how B8 owed him money for two DPC seasons worth $7K.

The State of B8 before TI12 Qualifiers

Fast forward to merely two weeks before the International 12 Regional Qualifiers, and B8 is in a dire state again. B8 has only himself and Nikolay “CTOMAHEH1” Kalchev on the active roster, leaving three vacant slots up for grabs.

Question is, at this point, who will Dendi be assembling for the TI12 qualifiers? Not to mention that nouns is likely the most anticipated NA team to qualify for TI12, so B8 will need a relatively strong team. That would be a tough feet to accomplish, considering the lack of NA talents and it’s high time most teams locked their rosters for qualifier themselves.


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