Modern Warfare 3 PC Specs Revealed by Activision

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 goes into early access on November 2nd, before releasing globally on November 10th. With those dates getting ever closer, Activision has taken to social circles the world over to reveal the PC specs for the game – and surprisingly, they’re not all that demanding. It seems like Activision (and all associated studios) has taken the time to make Modern Warfare 3 relatively accessible for PC gamers who perhaps don’t have a rig worth thousands of dollars.

There are caveats, though. For instance, those picking up Modern Warfare 3 without any other Call of Duty game installed will have a huge download requirement. Furthermore, the lowest spec requirement mentioned will only let a player jump into multiplayer — the campaign will remain inaccessible. Also, only Intel and AMD processors are supported for the time being.

Let’s take a look at the full PC specs for MW3.

Will It Run?

Fortunately, even those with a PC with some years on it will be able to run Modern Warfare 3 without any issues. Even at the highest level, MW3’s PC specs aren’t overwhelming, and the most passionate PC gamers should have no problems cranking it up to 4K Ultra and producing the cleanest, most graphically impressive experience possible. Typically, most ‘pro players’ and streamers opt for low graphics and high frames anyway, so don’t feel bad if you need to tone things down a bit.

Here’s the full breakdown:

Image Credit: Activision

So, if you want to run Modern Warfare 3 at the highest grade possible, you’ll need an 8th-gen i7 (or comparable AMD CPU), 16 GB of RAM, and an RTX 3080 or RX 6800XT. That’s not very demanding, and games have been released in recent months with way stricter requirements than that. At the opposite end of the spectrum, you[‘ll be able to run Modern Warfare 3 with little more than a 6th-gen i3, 8 GB of RAM, and a GTX 960 or RX 470 – paltry requirements overall.

But as we’ve outlined – that’s for multiplayer only.

This time around, Modern Warfare 3 features ‘Open Combat’ missions, which means you’ll need to navigate large, open environments to accomplish your goals. That can put some unnecessary stress on a lower-grade PC.

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What’s The Best Platform For Call of Duty?

These days, PC is the best platform for Call of Duty. It’s the de facto choice for all Call of Duty esports, and it’s where the game tends to run best – provided you’ve got a solid build, that is. For the streaming community, almost every creator uses a PC to broadcast their gameplay, and those that don’t will typically lean on a PS5-backed setup. These days, fewer people than ever before play Call of Duty on an Xbox, but given that Microsoft now owns Activision, that could change to some extent shortly.

It’s inevitable that one day, Call of Duty will be added to Game Pass – that’s a huge selling point for the green team.

How about you? How do you play Call of Duty?

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Stay tuned to for more Call of Duty news


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